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Lifestyle Changes Improve Chronic Conditions

Life with a chronic health condition can feel like an uphill battle, especially when you’re constantly tired or dealing with nagging symptoms. As your primary care Clinic in San Antonio, Texas, we know that sometimes medication isn’t the ...

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Stay Healthy: Preventive Exams Essentials

Between work, family, and that ever-growing to-do list, taking care of yourself can easily fall by the wayside. But here’s the thing: prioritizing preventive care is an investment in your future health. That’s where a trusted primary care...

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Recognizing When Urgent Care Is Necessary

Feeling under the weather and unsure if it’s time to visit a primary care clinic in San Antonio, Texas? Recognizing the signs that indicate you need urgent care can make a significant difference in your health. Here are five red flags that shou...

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Protecting Public Health Through Immigration Physicals

As people move from all corners of the globe to establish new lives in the United States, ensuring public health remains a top priority. This is where immigration physicals come in. While sometimes seen as a hurdle, these exams play a vital role in p...

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Engaging Activities for Effective Weight Management

Integrating physical activity into your weight management plan is not about strenuous routines or quick fixes. As a provider of telehealth service in Texas, we believe it’s about finding joy in movement, discovering activities you genuinely enjoy, ...

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NutriSlim: Guide to Effective Weight Loss Nutrition

In today’s health-conscious landscape, weight management remains a central concern. While numerous fad diets and quick-fix solutions emerge constantly, sustainable weight loss hinges on adopting a holistic nutritional approach. At AIM Primary C...

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