Call Us!

210-245-7933 Walkers Way Location

726-201-5616 City Base West Location
Keeping you on top of your health.

Doctor smiling

With our preventive care services, our internists will determine how you can manage your condition and integrate the latest research in patient care, providing a holistic approach best suited for your needs. We believe that our time with you is an opportunity to promote a healthy lifestyle. That’s why we take the time to fully assess your condition and study your family’s medical history to come up with a personalized preventive and wellness plan.

Our preventive care services include the following:

  • Conducting regular physicals
  • Age related screening
  • Helping you set weight goals
  • Customizing a diet plan
  • Devising the appropriate exercise regimen
  • Providing advice on effective stress management
  • And more

If you want to know more, you can get in touch with us via phone 210-245-7933 or send us a message.

medical professionals